Unwired Planet v Huawei – Lessons for FRAND compliance

CUBICIBUC White Bulb_dgl

5 April 2017, the UK High Court handed down the much-anticipated judgement in the Unwired Planet v Huawei FRAND trial. The case involved patents claimed to be technically essential to standardised technologies for mobile communications: 2G (GSM), 3G (UMTS/WCDMA) and 4G (LTE). We are pleased to see the Court recognises […]

Managing the IP risks associated with enabling connectivity in IoT devices

CUBICIBUC Woman Eye_dgl

Managing the IP risks associated with enabling connectivity in IoT devices The headlines are buzzing with excitement over the potential benefits of the “Internet of Things” (IoT), and how new services will be created when “things” are connected. Given the relative commoditised state of communications technology it is easy to […]

Cubicibuc speaks at Global IP Conclave in Mumbai, November 2016


Cubicibuc’s Director Graham Bell spoke at Legal Era’s Global IP Conclave in Mumbai, November 2016. Graham addressed the topic of “FRAND in the time of global competition” and gave an overview of how standards essential IPRs are an inevitable consequence of complex modern standards. Graham also spoke of the need […]

Gannons + Cubicibuc Seminar on IP Protection


Gannons + Cubicibuc Seminar on IP Protection for new product development All businesses apply intellectual assets as the foundation of how they add value. Understanding where, how and by whom the value creation is done means that the associated IP can be identified and protected. While avoiding third party IP […]